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发表日期:2018/4/25 10:06:39 作者:admin 有925位读者读过
多感官教学 成就英语课堂
2018.4.16号上午,我校的钱瑾老师就文本教学在四年级上了一节公开课,题目为4B Unit 7 What’s the matter?(story time)在本节课的开始,老师以游戏的形式复习学过的衣服、食物和动物类单词,激发学生的学习兴趣。接下来通过歌曲中的情境,使本节课的新句型What’s the matter?和新单词hungry、thirsty自然地呈现出来,帮助学生更好地理解。在课文学习部分,教师设计了Listen and choose的任务,让学生带着任务观看动画,引导学生理解对话内容。接下来又设计了Look and find环节,让学生关注课文的细节信息,找出刘涛表达感受的句子。接着提出问题:如果你是刘涛会怎么做?让学生自己讨论出新的建议,拓展学生的思维。在朗读表演环节,我设计了跟录音读、全班读、分组读、表演等多种形式,并准备了实物道具、为学生创设接近真实的情景。
活动主题 | 多感官教学在英语教学中的运用 |
活 动 安 排 | 一、由主备人就4B Unit 7 What’s the matter?(story time)撰写一备教案。 二、会议研讨分析4B Unit 7 What’s the matter?(story time)文本,分析四年级学生学情。 三、各英语老师针对一备教案之不足提出自己的修改意见。 四、主备人整合修改意见形成二备教案。 五、主备人进行试上,其他老师听课并进行点评。 |
4B Unit 7 What’s the matter?
Step1: Warm up
1.Enjoy the song < If you are happy and know it>
2.T: Boys and girls, are you happy today? I think you are. (出示单词happy并且板书)
T: Let’s look what we are going to learn in this class. (教学目标出示,并且引导孩子们得笑脸。)
3.Play a game: Quickly respond. 在游戏中教学单词water。(出示单词并且板书)
4.(出示人物Liu Tao)T:We’re happy today. But my friend Liu Tao isn’t happy. He’s sad.(出示单词sad,并且教学)Liu Tao is good at running.But he failed in the 400 meters race in the sports meeting. So he’s sad now.(故事的引子)
Step2: Presentation
1.T:Let’s ask Liu Tao:“ What’s the matter?”(播放录音,并且板书教读句子。)
I’m thirsty.(出示单词thirsty,教读。)
T: Let’s help him , please say: Have some water.(出示句子,并且板书。)
\ Ss: Thanks./Thank you.
2.T: Look at Liu Tao, ask him please.
Ss: What’s the matter, Liu Tao?
T: Are you thirsty?(教师引导学生问,并且板书句子)
T:Oh, Liu Tao says: I’m not thirsty. I’m hungry. (单词hungry出示并板书)
Can you help Liu Tao? Please use “Have…”(a hamburger / a hot dog学生发挥)
3.Chant: Are you thirsty?Are you thirsty?
No, I’m not. No, I’m not.
What’s the matter, Taotao? What’s the matter, Taotao?
I am hungry. I am hungry.
4.同上教学单词ill , tired.
5.自编一个chant: Are you ______? Are you ______?
No, ___ ___. No, ___ ___.
What’s the ______, Taotao? What’s the ______, Taotao?
I am ______. I am ______.
6.(Liu Tao 回家后)T: His parents are concerd with Liu Tao, they encourage him.
Watch and choose 看动画选择What’s the matter with Liu Tao? He’s …
A. happy B. hungry C. thirsty D. ill E. tired
7. Read and answer.(自读课文找出答案)
How does Liu Tao ask his mother? (刘涛口渴了,他是如何向妈妈要求的?)
S:Can I have some water?
8. Read after the tape.(跟录音读,老师师范朗读,学生模仿语音语调,升降调的朗读。)
在朗读过程中随文教学I want to … Good night, dear.
(T: Liu Tao wasn’t happy at first, but now he’s not sad.)
9.Reading Time : Read the whole story together.
Act the story(三人一小组)
Step3 Consolidation
1). Summary:
2)Ticking Time
Step4 Homework